Ever since becoming a Mom myself I have really sought out books that are encouraging and strengthening to help me in this wonderful and yet oftentimes overwhelming phase in my life. When I can find a book that particularly speaks to me than I am ecstatic and I am thrilled to say this book does just that. Written by a women who has 7 kids, some of whom are raised and have children of their own this book is exactly what I think of with a Titus 2 women encouraging the younger woman. because let's face it, motherhood is tough.
Filled with poignant points and real life stories this book is like a good chat with a wise women that is filled with warmth and insight.
I loved how this book addressed the unique pressures that are faced by Mom's in this day and age that have never been dealt with before and offers some encouraging words that left me very encouraged and not so scared.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
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