Monday, March 27, 2017

Unchained by Noel Heikkinen


Unchained: If Jesus Has Set Us Free, Why Don’t We Feel Free? (David C. Cook, February 2017)
Christians are free in Christ, yet Christianity can feel like a prison.
Unchained helps Christians who don’t feel that grace has changed their lives.
Often when people follow Jesus, they feel more guilty instead of more free. A powerful book for the spiritually restless, Unchained shows readers how to have a robust faith that celebrates their freedom in Christ without compromising their holiness as God’s followers.
Unchained turns to the person and work of Jesus Christ as the source of freedom—not just his work 2,000 years ago but also what he is doing today. As readers dig into the meaning of the freedom that Jesus offers, they will understand, perhaps for the first time, what true freedom in Christ means.

My opinion: I thought this book was very thought provoking and insightful about living free in Christ and how so many of us truly don't know what it means to enjoy that freedom. I loved how down to earth and humble the author came across as, it felt like he was really trying to draw you in and explore the freedom that comes from Christ. Filled with scripture verses and keep insight this book was an excellent read that left the reader thinking about the concept and ideas long after the last page was turned.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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