Wednesday, December 26, 2012

All Things New by Lynn Austin

I read this delightful book by the Christian author Lynn Austin. It was a very well written,thought provoking book.
The book follows the lives of Lizzy a young slave women who is fearful for the future of her family  following the Civil War, she longs for freedom but wants a better life for her children, but will the be safe from the Southern men who are bitter from the war?
Eugenia Weatherly lost her husband and oldest son in the war and is left with nothing but a run down plantation with no slaves to help run it and a son who is bitter from the past. Will Eugenia be able to forget the past and embrace the future?
Josephine Weatherly is nothing like her Mother, Eugenia, and is tired of the bitterness that the war has left in every-ones lives . As she learns more about the people she once thought of as merely slaves she realizes that maybe her anger towards God over them losing the war is ill placed.

This was a wonderful,well written book and I really enjoyed it. I highly recommend it.

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